The journey so far...

A snapshot of Share Her Journey, made possible with your support!

Thank you for your incredible support of Share Her Journey - TIFF’s commitment to increasing opportunities for women in the film industry. With a goal to raise $3 million over the next five years, your generosity has created overwhelming momentum to make our aims a reality.

We’re delighted to share highlights since the initiative launched in July. It’s so important to us to let you know your gift is making a difference, and we will continue to keep you informed as Share Her Journey grows and evolves.

The Results

75% against our 2017 target of $500 000



That's like selling out TIFF Cinemas 1 & 2
(with some rush tickets available...)


32,783,591 2

Total number of media impressions (so far)

Explore feed via:

Share Her Journey on Toronto’s Street

As you know, Festival Street takes over King during the opening weekend of the Toronto International Film Festival, transforming 2 blocks into a hub of food, music, games, and screenings for pedestrians. This year, Festival Street featured a special chance for the public to learn about our incredible Share Her Journey Ambassadors and about gender inequality in the film industry, as well as TIFF’s plan to help address this pervasive issue.

Meet all the ambassadors here.
Celebrating Women in Film:
An Event Dedicated to Share Her Journey

On September 11th, we had the privilege to showcase and celebrate incredible female storytellers from this year’s Festival. The filmmakers came from around and world and represented a true international filmmaking community. They discussed their experiences as women in the industry with honoured guests, Share Her Journey donors who gave $200+. The panel of filmmakers included: producer Kerry Warkia (Waru), and filmmakers Limor Shmila (Montana), Coralie Fargeat (Revenge), Anjali Nayar (Silas), and Rima Das (Village Rockstars).

Panelists Rima Das, Anjali Nayar, Limor Shmila, Kerry Warkia, and Coralie Fargeat, with moderator Jane Schoettle

Total stories published
by the press:


Special stories include:

format_quote And that’s the magic of a program like Share Her Journey. By stepping up to create the campaign, TIFF has not only taken on the issue of gender inequity in the film industry, but they have also created a platform which inspires others to contribute to the mentorship and sponsorship of women behind and in front of the camera. They’ve extended their reach by inviting others to lend a hand. The impact of that will be felt, not only by those who get to participate in Share Her Journey, but across the film industry and beyond. Because when the playing field is leveled for women in any industry, everyone benefits.
— Pauleanna Reid, Forbes

What's Next?

Because of your investment in Share Her Journey, our Industry team is now able to finalize activity that will launch in 2018. As we plan, we are reflecting on the outcomes from our Festival Talent development programmes and consulting with industry professionals, to ensure the programmes we develop are as relevant, high impact and effective as possible.

Thank you for joining this movement.
We look forward to continuing this journey with you.

Donate $50 $150 $250 OTHER

Prefer to make a donation by phone? Please call us at 1-888-599-TIFF (8433).

Charitable Registration No. 11930 4541 RR0001. Tax receipts are issued for all donations $10 or more.

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